A fresh look at the possibilities in times of Communion
I recently enjoyed the Netflix series Sweet Magnolias. In this series the 3 main characters get together daily for friendship and support, building on a lifetime of knowing each other and have weekly Margarita Nights, where they pour it out to each other. This concept of pouring out all the good things and the hard things in life to one another reminds me of the purpose of communion and friendship with God. He knows us intimately and it is in the time of communion with Him that we can go to Him for love, support and encouragement, but also to vent at life's frustrations.
What is communion with God? In the garden of Eden, Adam and Eve walked with God in the garden in the cool of the day. It was a time set apart for them to enjoy God's company and friendship. At the fall that time was broken and the sweet relationship and friendship they had was all but destroyed.
Easter is the time we remember that Jesus came to repair that relationship between us and God. And He said to remember Him when we eat the bread and drink the wine at His supper.
We have this amazing opportunity to pour it out to God, not just at the communion table, but also in the moment, during the day/week/morning/night/month/year. He wants and longs to hear it all. Pouring it out is healthy for us. How we pour it out is up to each individual. God wants us real, not forced and held back for fear of offending Him. Nothing is a surprise, nothing is new. He wants to hear so He can bring healing and restoration. So He can celebrate and rejoice in us as much as we should want to celebrate and rejoice in Him. Friendship, fellowship and connectedness.
I have been thinking that communion is a two-pronged thing. Communion keeps us connected to God, and likewise, it should help us stay connected to each other, bound by the blood of Christ and His broken, battered body (and I'm not talking like a fish and chip batter!).
"He invited Himself to people's houses for supper, he had time for those who had no one else. He listened. He cared. He loved. He healed."
When Jesus instituted the Lord's Supper, or what we now more commonly refer to as Communion, He said we should "...do this in rememberance of me...". So communion is also a time we get to restore our relationships and friendships with one another. The Bible tells us that when we come to bring a sacrifice or offering to God and we remember that we have a broken relationship with our brother or sister, we should leave the altar and put to right the breach, then return to the altar and give our sacrifice or offering. (Matthew 5:23-24) I think this extends into that space of remembering Jesus at the Communion Table. Jesus was all about restoration of relationships and took the time to seek out those who were hurting, lost, broken or maligned. He invited Himself to people's houses for supper, he had time for those who had no one else. He listened. He cared. He loved. He healed.
What about our wider community? Are we positioning ourselves to make space for those we reach out to in our community to pour out their grief and troubles as I heard mentioned in a recent message at church. We have the privilege and honour of bearing the burdens of those God has called us to. How often in the gospels do we see Jesus taking the time to talk to those who are down and out, lost, alone and afraid with no one else to listen to their lament or heart cry? We are called to be 'imitators of Christ' (Ephesians 5:1-2) and yet when things feel overwhelming or uncomfortable, we want to run in the opposite direction looking for easy comfortable patterns. Or send them to the Pastor.
Let's make space to pour out our lives, to live in a space of common union with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Let's make space to live in common union with those around us, each day, pouring out our times of trial and celebration, being present to listen to others who pour out their stories, and offer support and encouragement, tears and laughter. What greater gift has man that he would lay down his life for his brother?