Hey There!
Hey there! I'm Anthea, a busy Mum of 3 amazing kids, and wife to Hayden.
I love music, reading, writing, speedway and being able to support the people in my life.
Alongside family life, I help Hayden run our water blasting business and am a member of our local church community.
I look forward to you getting to know me and where my random thoughts take me!
My Story
I guess you may be wondering who I am and what I'm about, so let's start there.
I am a Kiwi girl, born and bred in Taranaki, New Zealand. I am a 40 something year old wife to Hayden, and Mum to 3 amazing children. We have our 15 year old niece live with us so that keeps our house nice and busy. Alongside that, Hayden and I run a water blasting business and keep connected to our local community through serving in our local church. I love music, people stories, both written and watching people's stories evolve in person, writing and speedway.
I have lived in Taranaki my whole life, and my home town Waitara, is where my heart lives. I grew up going to Waitara schools and finished my education at Waitara High in 1997. Throughout my teens I couldn't wait to leave Waitara, but am so glad now that I stayed. It is home.
Why start this blog? Well, when I was in primary school and into high school I always wanted to write and maybe be a journalist. For the last 25 years, that has sat dormant for me, a dream that stayed tucked away out of site, in the recesses of my mind. Last year I wrote a small piece for my local church leaders and the seed was planted that I could write a weekly or monthly column. For the last 12 - 15 months I have sat with that, not believing that I could do it. Then earlier this year I wrote again, then again and now I seem to be flooded with ideas and a desire to reach a wider audience grew within me. This week is the culmination of all of that and I found myself enrolled in a creative writing course and building this site. It has happened quickly, possibly quicker than anything else I have set out to do!
Believe it or not, but this isn't going to be about being a Mum, about kids or any of that stuff you would normally associate with a blog written by a mum. This is about more than that. It is about the thoughts I think alongside of that part of who I am. As my kids have gotten older, I have wondered who I am without them needing and relying on me, and this will be an expression of that. I believe it is important for mum's everywhere to know who they are individually without being a cog in the family wheel, but we'll get to that in another post one day soon I'm sure.
My goal with this site isn't to convert anyone. I value and respect your life decisions. I just want to share some thoughts that come to me in the noise, quiet, solitude, in conversation with others, just doing my daily life. Faith-life is important to me, so most of my thoughts centre on my faith-life with Jesus. I try to keep myself grounded in faith, but also in reality. I believe that life was created to be fun and exciting and far from normal. I try to not fit the normal mold and keep my perspectives fresh and I love to watch others relationships with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit grow and deepen, so if #faithlife #reality #sensiblefaith resonates with you, I invite you to buckle up and enjoy this ride where ever God's Spirit leads us!
I'd love to hear how my musings may have impacted your world, drop me a line at the email address next door!